
Boobs: IN SPACE!

Read 'Boobs: IN SPACE!'

Yes, I like them. You do too. And now they're in space! And shooting down the Bydo empire!


Oh, that joke never gets old.

Bugs Are Viewtiful

Read 'Bugs Are Viewtiful'

Worst. Bug. Ever.

Well, except for maybe that memory card erasing bug in the demo for the same game

Why We Journal

Read 'Why We Journal'

Phew. After quite a bit more work than anticipated, The New Gamer Journal has been launched. Are you wondering what it's doing here? I'll tell you!

Garbage In, Garbage Out

Read 'Garbage In, Garbage Out'

So of the four classes I've been too this week of this, my second-to-last quarter, the most interesting promises to be my Motion Capture class. The school actually got a motion capture studio (a small one.. but still) for us to use! Move over Andy Serkis because I'm so going to get my motions captured!

Well maybe...


Read 'Boobs'

Screw you guys! I will not be left behind because I'm not a big computer dork like everyone else. So, as I was regaling Mr. Turner earlier today (I still have trouble not calling him peccaui) I spent the greater...

The Real World has a Ruleset

Read 'The Real World has a Ruleset'

Wired has a little report on incidents where gamers sense of reality starts to blur. If you're at this site, I'm sure this is nothing new for you. Who hasn't had this kind of feeling after being immersed in a...

The Making of Doom III...

Read 'The Making of Doom III...'

...by Steven L. Kent sucks. I still have have half a Carmack interview and a section about the game making tools to read, but I think I've read enough to know that the book stinks.

Maybe I was hoping for too much. It's a book about id (the subject of my favorite book about the industry, Masters of Doom) and it was written by Steven Kent (the author of my second favorite book, The Ultimate History of Video Games) (Both books are terrific, by the way).

Silent Hill 4: My Room

Read 'Silent Hill 4: My Room'

This article isn't endorsing Silent Hill 4 in any manner, but it is the embodiment of my Silent Hill 4 gaming experience. For the record, I agree whole heartedly with Mr. Riley's Silent Hill 4 review.

San Andreas: Grand Tour

Read 'San Andreas: Grand Tour'

There's a new in-game camera in GTA San Andreas, and it gives the player a new method of play: the ability to save screenshots. And with a game like San Andreas you can bet that most of those moments will never happen again.

Sequel Penance

Read 'Sequel Penance'

I'll have you know I wrote this after finishing Half-Life 2 and before I completed Metal Gear Solid 3.

Cubivore - A Matter of Scale

Read 'Cubivore - A Matter of Scale'

~1000 words about Cubivore and my cats. You can't tell me you didn't see this one coming a mile away.

Secrets of The New Gamer, Revealed!

Read 'Secrets of The New Gamer, Revealed!'

Those with eagle eyes will notice something different. I'm not wearing cargo pants. Also, you might detect a slew of new names. They aren't really new. They're the same people that you've been ignoring for months now! Click through, match the names with the faces and win big prizes, such as a walk through the history of The New Gamer, and insight into our tapeworm-riddled minds!

Katamari Damacy: Life Rolls On...

Read 'Katamari Damacy: Life Rolls On...'

For those that push the weight of the world, and their fears with a gigantic ball, we salute you.

Sly 2: Band of Thieves - Notes from the Rooftops

Read 'Sly 2: Band of Thieves - Notes from the Rooftops'

Some have said "You put aside Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas so you could finish Sly 2? What kind of crazy man are you?" And I say "I'm a man who likes to get things done." I think it should be pretty obvious that I just don't know when to quit.

Blood Will Tell (PS2)

Read 'Blood Will Tell (PS2)'

My standard complaint about survival horror games, as you well know, is that there are never enough to go around. Clearly, such is not the case with 3D hack n' slash.

This game clearly highlights that quantity is not necessarily a good thing.

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