
The New Gamer has moved!

Read 'The New Gamer has moved!'

After more than several days of torment, The New Gamer has finally been migrated to its brand-new server. Good times.

If you have any problems or concerns, feel free to contact me at . Because it's hot!

California Extreme 2004

Read 'California Extreme 2004'

Every year in San Jose hundreds of arcade and pinball fanatics get together for a weekend of arcade and pinball overload. I went, I played and I brought back plenty of photos. Well, most of them are photos.

Spider-Man 2: Of Spiders and Sims

Read 'Spider-Man 2: Of Spiders and Sims'

It's not so much a review as it is several paragraphs of rambling 'observational criticism'.

Beyond Good & Evil Roundtable

Read 'Beyond Good & Evil Roundtable'

This roundtable has been a long, long long time coming, and to finally be able to print it closes a very long chapter in our lives. A long, painful and pearl-ridden chapter. Ladies & germs, welcome to the three lone voices of dissent. P.S. Please note that this article does contain spoilers.

Nico/Ico/Wanda and the Giant Statue?

Read 'Nico/Ico/Wanda and the Giant Statue?'

You all know that the only non-site related news we post is that concerning the brilliant Ico. Well, mee Ronn and I think we have the goods on what's going down.

Release Date Rumble

Read 'Release Date Rumble'

A lack of games arriving in my mailbox in time has lead me to wonder why I wanted them immediately in the first place.

Great White North Drunksaling, eh - Weeks #6 & #7

Read 'Great White North Drunksaling, eh - Weeks #6 & #7'

This week Namons brings us a dual-fisted treat - two weeks of Great White North Drunksaling wrapped up in one article of gaming goodness!

Silent Hill 4 (PS2)

Read 'Silent Hill 4 (PS2)'

I am a member of a curious religious cult whose doctrines prohibit website updating. By writing this article I'm going to be damed to hell.

You should be grateful!

But not for Silent Hill 4.

Gamer Remix Review #19: Meathead - Closer to Mario

Read 'Gamer Remix Review #19: Meathead - Closer to Mario'

We return after my outside-imposed 'internet vacation' with the following aural gaming oddity. I highly 'suggest' reading the 'review' before 'listening'.

Gamer Remix Review #18: Saskrotch - Nintendo Breakz Vol. 1

Read 'Gamer Remix Review #18: Saskrotch - Nintendo Breakz Vol. 1'

So many remixes, so little time. Seriously. This week contains no less than 30 remixes (guaranteed!), so get your mp3 player fired up!

Jet Set Radio Future - The Thrill is Gone

Read 'Jet Set Radio Future - The Thrill is Gone'

Why am I reviewing Jet Set Radio Future when I could be reviewing something that isn't over two years old? Easy - I have something to say about it.

Life Gaming and Training

Read 'Life Gaming and Training'

After a bit of rest, I feel ...not nearly as invigorated as one would hope. Maybe it's been the recent lack of time to spend playing games that has lead me to want to merge games with something constructive. No, not a peripheral that will allow me to play Viewtiful Joe and clean my house. Something a bit more ..mundane.

Great White North Drunksaling, eh - Week #5

Read 'Great White North Drunksaling, eh - Week #5'

In the hallowed tradition of the now defunct (or is that de-Fink-ed?) drunkgamers.com and Chi-style Drunksaling here at The New Gamer I am proud to present... Ben: "Loo coo coo coo coo coo coo!!!" Craig: "Loo coo coo coo coo...

Lifeline (PS2)

Read 'Lifeline (PS2)'

While it's arguably a bad idea to upload a review while drunk, sobriety accounts for only about $4% of my time. Join me on a journey of $6 pitchers of beer and USB headsets as we travel into the deep culture of Lifeline. It's fun for the whole family!

Gamer Remix Review #17: analoq - man sieht sich galaxie (Commander Keen 4)

Read 'Gamer Remix Review #17: analoq - man sieht sich galaxie (Commander Keen 4)'

In a surprise cameo this week comes the Gamer Remix Review, espousing the virtues of analoq's Commander Keen 4 remix entitled man sieht sich galaxie!

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