
Thoughts about Fa

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I always feel pretty awful when I start writing a review or article, and end up ditching it in favor of a more current thought or game. What's even worse though is when I end up spending hours and hours...

YMCK - Family Music (Audio)

Read 'YMCK - Family Music (Audio)'

YMCK have been garnering quite a name for themselves as a band that not only partakes heavily from the NES sound library, but also as musicians who know how to blend the sounds into engaging and hooky compositions. So how does their debut album Family Music fare against the buzz?

The Effortless Play of Kirby: Canvas Curse

Read 'The Effortless Play of Kirby: Canvas Curse'

Glee in painting: Never before has the loss of direct control of your character provided so much sheer fun.

Front Beat!

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How extra-orindarily excessive! It'd seem me and my roommate just HAD to join the members of the web comic "elite" with our new creation: FrontBeat. It's a comic about robots and cops and cops who hunt robots. It's really quite...

Metroid Prime 2 (GCN)

Read 'Metroid Prime 2 (GCN)'

I figure every once in awhile it's proper to throw out some saucy writing about a four month old game. Or so seems to be my past precedent with these things. I'm proud to say that Metroid Prime 2 only languished on my hard drive for about four weeks. Well, it's better than six.

Zoo Keeper & the Luck of the Draw

Read 'Zoo Keeper & the Luck of the Draw'

Ever since I first bought my DS, not one day has passed where Zoo Keeper hasn't been popped in for a bout or two. Sadly, much of that time is spent waiting to see the message 'No More Move'. Why? Roll a die and read on to find out.

Chi-Style Drunksaling: Vol. 4.3 - It's all about the thrift stores.

Read 'Chi-Style Drunksaling: Vol. 4.3 - It's all about the thrift stores.'

Whenever there are a scant number of garage sales we spend the day investigating local thrift stores for some quality gaming goods. This outing proved to extraordinarily fruitful, and included something to play in a Sega console, a Sega console or two, and something to tote Sega hardware with. We like Sega.

Rise of the Kasai & the Overbearing Art of the Cutscene

Read 'Rise of the Kasai & the Overbearing Art of the Cutscene'

Occasionally I play through a large chunk of a game and never finish it, but still have a desire to write about it. The following is written partially in response to what caused me to put the controller down: the cutscenes. They're gorgeous.

The DS & I

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Among other things, this weekend was fantastic as I bought myself a Nintendo DS as a little 'birthday present to myself'. It may surprise you to hear that not all of us here are jet-setting billionaires with tissues made from...

Non-gaming notables at NextFest

Read 'Non-gaming notables at NextFest'

There was a lot about NextFest 2005 that I didn't get to address in my write-up, or even in the image gallery! Time to finish this drawn-out ordeal, so I can finally shelve the mountains of promotional paperwork thrust into...

NextFest 2005 Image Gallery

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It recently occurred to me that I forgot to post the image gallery to accompany the NextFest 2005 write-up. Let me rectify that.

NextFest 2005: What Happened to Tomorrow?

Read 'NextFest 2005: What Happened to Tomorrow?'

Wired tries to reignite the World's Fair's ashes with their 2005 NextFest, causing us turn our eyes to their vision of the future of entertainment. Sadly, said vision is bleak and full of baubles, gewgaws and novelties.

Obscure (XBOX)

Read 'Obscure (XBOX)'

Obscure is a game that busies itself pretending to be from 1995. For most people it'll be no prized peach, but if you spend your lonely Saturday nights with a first pressing of Resident Evil 1 like I do then you're in luck!

Image Gallery Rampage

Read 'Image Gallery Rampage'

Longtime readers of this site know that the first web-based endeavor of ours was that of 'drunksaling', the practice of garage saling for videogames while imbibing of one thing or another (and we have certain members of the esteemable Red...

San Andreas: Grand Outtakes

Read 'San Andreas: Grand Outtakes'

All I wanted to do was use the San Andreas camera and have some fun! Well, I certainly accomplished one of those two goals. Find out the perils of my Grand Tour article and even check out some pictures that didn't made the cut.

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